Encore! Artist Sophie Mills
Newcastle Artist Sophie Mills has experienced many bumps along the way on her path to career success and happiness. From art student, to author and finally to her latest endeavour as a comedian as part of Wise Stand Up for Mental Health, Sophie has done it all with great courage, passion and remarkably – a sense of humour.
Already an established and well-known artist, Sophie Mill didn’t need to add any more strings to her talented bow. In 2014 however, her creativity reached new heights as she not only released a book based on her life experience with art and mental health, but also became a stand-up comedian.
Sophie and eight other participants made the brave decision to take to the stage at Sydney Town Hall to give performances based on their experiences of mental health. Although mental illness and comedy don’t always work well together, all nine of the novice comedians managed to reduce a 1200-strong crowd to tears of laughter…
Read more in the Edition 71 of Hunter & Coastal Lifestyle Magazine.
Story Laura Jackel. Image Lisa Lent.