Between The Earth and Sky
There comes a time in one’s busy life when you yearn for tranquillity, peace and a place to reflect, to reconnect with nature and those closest to you.
Perched high in the clouds above the Vacy Valley, out from Paterson in the Hunter Valley, is a place which meets all these needs.
“Valley View”, so aptly named, is one of the premier guest lodges located on top of the mountain peak at Eaglereach Resort.
The tarred access road is steep and winding, however when you reach the gated entranceway it is well worth the drive.
On entering the grounds you are greeted by a family of kangaroos with wallaby friends, who are resident on the front lawn. Nonchalantly, they prick their ears and raise their heads on your arrival, yet continue to laze in the sun or munch on the grass – they are at one with guests and are one of the major attractions during your visit.
You can spend hours just sitting on the front verandah watching their antics and hand feeding them as well as filling their architect-designed feeder and the wild bird feeder with supplied food every morning and evening.
Read more in Edition 73 of Hunter & Coastal Lifestyle Magazine.
Story Marilyn Collins.