Fighting the Good Fight
When Trish Paul (pictured) was diagnosed with cancer she had two options: to allow the disease to control her life, or to take control, challenge herself and fight back with all the strength, positiveness and faith she could muster.
Tricia Paul is an inspiration to all who meet her. At the age of 48, Tricia Paul was diagnosed with Stage IV ovarian cancer. She has since been on a mission to create awareness of this cancer and to raise much-needed funds required for researchers to enable early detection in the form of a simple blood test similar to that currently available to detect prostate cancer.
Tricia’s hope is that the teal-coloured ribbon depicting ovarian cancer will become as highly profiled as the pink ribbon for breast cancer. Ovarian and gynecological cancer is one of the biggest killers of women, yet doesn’t receive the government funding for research into the disease and its detection.
It is a hard reality that in Australia every ten hours a woman will die of ovarian cancer, as in most cases detection is not made until Stage 4.
Despite having endured rounds of chemotherapy Trish, formerly a Lorn resident, first put her energy into organising a successful high tea in November 2013, raising $12,500 which was donated to the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund.
Read more in Edition 76 of Hunter & Coastal Lifestyle Magazine.
Story Marilyn Collins Images Caitlin Sim, Curly Tree Photography.