Lakeside Living
Those who live their life with a five-year plan are sometimes bowled over by a curve ball which presents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity not to be missed.
A life-changing curve ball came for the then semi-retired Sydney couple when visiting friends on the shores of Western Lake Macquarie, for a weekend.
“We’d never been to this part of the lake, so when we walked down their hallway into an open living room facing the lake, I was absolutely speechless when I saw the view,” said Maggie. “I could only say ‘Wow!’”
Instantly, both fell in love with the location and were further impressed when they found out that the next door duplex was going up for sale. “I usually am the one who puts the handbrake on ideas my husband Peter comes up with,” said Maggie. Laughingly she said, “In a rare instance, I was straight on the phone to our accountant, asking if we could afford to buy. He knew by my asking that we were serious about buying, as it was out of the norm for me to make such an impetuous request.”
Initially, the couple spent weekends and holidays by the lake and finally when they retired, a decision was made to sell their home in north-west Sydney to make the permanent move to Lake Macquarie.
Read more in Edition 77 of Hunter & Coastal Lifestyle Magazine.
Story Marilyn Collins Images Nat Harvey Photography.