Bushranger Tracks Across The Hunter Valley
Above: The author dressed as a Police Trooper at Tocal. Photo by Perry Duffin, courtesy of Maitland Mercury.
“Hunter Lifestyle Magazine’s” intrepid bushwalking expert, Gregory Powell, has held a lifelong fascination for the region’s bushranging history. His book ” BUSHRANGER TRACKS Across New South Wales and Victoria” highlights the many colourful characters of the Hunter’s past. In this feature, Greg highlights our bushranger history which you can explore in your own backyard.
The Hunter Valley is not a region that is remembered for bushranger activity but it did have a long and very active bushranger history which modern-day detectives can explore and discover the numerous tracks of those long-gone lawbreakers.
When we think of bushranger country we would probably consider the haunts of the Kelly Gang around Beechworth and Glenrowan in Victoria or even the Bathurst-Forbes region, home to Ben Hall and his gang. Captain Thunderbolt made his infamous name in the New England region around Uralla and Inverell.
Read more in Edition 78 of Hunter & Coastal Lifestyle Magazine.
Story Gregory Powell.