A Reminder of Days Gone By
In her retirement, local history enthusiast Julie Keating of North Lambton has been able to indulge her passion for delving into the history and architecture of two Newcastle suburbs, recalling how it was in the nineteenth century.
A keen member of the National Trust and the Newcastle Family History Society, Julie has captured in print for posterity the lifestyle endured by the miners and their families who established the suburb of Lambton as well as the neighbouring towns of Waratah and Mayfield, which were known as the nineteenth-century industrial towns.
Julie has self-published a book on Lambton and more recently about Mayfield-Waratah. “I found there was an apparent lack of interest in local history, so I decided it should be recorded,” she said.
Read more in Edition 80 of Hunter & Coastal Lifestyle Magazine.
Story Marilyn Collins. Photo: Miners’ meeting at Lambton Park Rotunda, 1890.