The Ultimate in Urban Design
For thirty years, Chris McBriarty and his wife Lyn lived on a leafy block in a 1920’s residence near popular Russell Road, New Lambton Heights, raising their two daughters.
Over those years the couple undertook several renovations and then thought it was time to downsize and start a new era for the family as the daughters reached young adulthood.
Chris, a Senior Associate with Newcastle-based Architectural firm of dwp|suters, described the move and decision to design and build their new residence as his personal midlife crisis. After a difficult hunt for a suitable block in the surrounding neighbourhood, they found the ideal site just down the hill in New Lambton.
It all began back in August 2010, when the couple began looking for the perfect site to build on. Many properties were already renovated or were older places that were too good to tear down. This site was perfect, with the much-desired lush rear aspect of a rainforest and northerly aspect.
Read more in Edition 71 of Hunter & Coastal Lifestyle Magazine.
Story Marilyn Collins. Images Murray McKean Photography.