Lions Club of The Entrance
Lions Australia is part of an international association, filled with people who share the common desire to make their communities better by using their creativity, enthusiasm and energy.
The Lions Club of The Entrance was formed in 1965 and was the first Club on the Central Coast. The Entrance in turn formed the Lions Club of Toukley in 1967 and the Lions Club of Killarney Bateau in 1979. Since then there have been many projects to support the community: there was the Cancer Patient Transport Appeal, donations to help pay for heart start and blood monitoring machines for Bateau Bay Ambulance, annual donations to Lions Save Sight & Health Care Foundations, financial aid to the Bush Fire Service and Mobile Command Centre, assistance to Meals on Wheels and to victims of natural disasters via the Lions Clubs International Foundation and Australian Lions Foundations.
The most important current project is the support for Lions’ Sensory Garden at North Entrance. Its main fundraising vehicle is the Lions Sunday Charity Market held every Sunday in the Denning Street Carpark behind the Entrance Theatre. The Club meets for dinner on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month at North Entrance Surf Club.
Further information can be found at http://theentrance.nsw.lions.org.au/ or by calling 0481 332 142