Lake Macquarie – Women’s Shed on the Lake
Women’s Shed on the Lake is an inclusive group for women of all ages. Formed in 2016, it was the first women’s shed in the Lake Macquarie area. They meet every Friday at the Warner’s Bay Baptist Church Hall.
The group is a program of Our Community Place Inc, a neighbourhood centre located in Boolaroo. The women’s Shed endeavours to promote and support the mental and physical, social and emotional wellbeing of women in the community.
They are enthusiastic about helping with community projects as well as learning DIY and crafts. Socialising is also high on the list. A wide range of activities are on offer throughout the year: from movie days, picnics, bingo and demonstrations such as tile decorating, floral arranging, hive/honey production and jewellery making. Market days raise money for the group, and regular outings to other events, groups and venues are part of the program.
Of particular relevance in these challenging times, a Zoom tutorial was held in July to help members stay connected with family and friends. Women are invited to come along and enjoy friendship, workshops, activities, support and encouragement or just a cuppa and a chat. Child minding is provided.
For further information visit the group’s Facebook page.