Singleton Woodworkers
The Singleton Woodworkers Club was formed in 1999, when around 30 people attended an inaugural meeting. After four years based at the local high school, the Northern Agricultural Association (NAA) offered a permanent clubhouse. It is a win/win situation. The club had a new home and the NAA had helpful ‘onsite’ carpenters to assist with restoration projects at the showground.
The group has been lucky enough to have a membership base of various working backgrounds and skill levels. Total amateurs and highly skilled members have always been welcome to become involved, and knowledge and experience is shared.
Funds have been raised by members selling their wares annually at the Broke Village Fair and the Singleton Show. For the past 15 years, the group has made a large picnic table to raffle off at these events and the public interest in tickets has never diminished.
Book trains for the local library, grandstand repairs at the showground and salvaging the pine trees out of Burdekin Park are just a few of the projects that the group has been involved with. The latest, and one of the most labor intensive, was the manufacture of 110 nesting boxes for Wildlife Aid. These have been distributed up and down the coast from Gosford to Buladelah. This was made possible with the generous support of materials donated by local businesses: Eaton’s Mitre 10, Bunnings and Linc Upward Building.
For further information, contact Richard on 0417 113 882