Spinning a yarn with the Newcastle Spinners and Weavers Guild
The Guild nurtures the fibre crafts of spinning and weaving, and encourages other crafts, such as felting, dying, knitting and crocheting, where fibres can be used.
Activity days are just that— spinning, weaving and knitting all occur with occasional demonstrations of a different technique or new idea. Help, advice, support and encouragement are always available.
Workshops are organised when interest and availability of tutors allow and have included basket weaving, spinning silk, felting and much more. Major workshops are conducted by experienced fibre artists on a fee-paying basis. Mini workshops and demos are often held during meetings.
The Guild participates in and demonstrates at the Tocal Field Days each year and operates a stall selling handmade items made by Guild members.
Guild members in the past have participated in the “Back to Back” International Competition at Tocal on the Sunday of the Queen’s Birthday long weekend in June. Displays and demonstrations have been held at the Newcastle Show (March), Newcastle Craft Alive, Newcastle Stitches and Craft Show, Living Smart event (Speers Point, September), and the Wallsend Winter Fair (August).
All activity days have resumed and COVID-19 safe practices are in place at all gatherings.
Visitors are welcome and members love to share their knowledge and experience. Take something along to do or just enjoy seeing what others
are doing.
For further information visit
www.newcastlespinnersandweavers.org.au/ or head to their Facebook page