Gosford: Get back on the dance floor
After more than a year of being stuck at home during the pandemic, Scottish country dancers from the Central Coast have been getting back on the dance floor and they would love to welcome local people who want to try out a new activity. Scottish country dancing is a wonderful way for people of all ages and backgrounds to stay fit while having a fantastic time and mixing socially.
The Royal Scottish Country Dancing Society explores the benefits of participating in dance classes in their “Health Benefits of SCD” article on their website. It’s a low-impact, accessible activity that helps physically, mentally and emotionally. It’s great for people’s physical and mental health, especially after long periods of isolation and a restricted social life.
“If you have already experienced Scottish dances at a wedding, a ceilidh or on Burns Night, you’ll know the feeling of exhilaration when dancing to upbeat, traditional Scottish music,” says Sue MacKenzie, President of the Gosford Group. “Maybe you fancy the idea of trying something new, that will help your wellbeing, as well as enable you to meet new people.”
The Gosford Branch will make newcomers very welcome. No prior experience is necessary and special clothes or footwear are not needed.
Classes are held on Wednesdays between 7pm and 9pm at Wyoming Church of Christ Hall.
Please call 0418 427 723 or email gosfordscds@gmail.com for details.
For more information go to rscds.org