Barrington Tops: Stories from a wild life

From the time he was old enough to focus on an object, Tim Faulkner has had his eyes glued on things that slither, climb, claw, wrap, shake, hop and burrow.

Over the past twenty years, his wild life has included relocating a male crocodile; extracting venom from some of the world’s deadliest snakes and spiders; filming TV shows broadcast in over 170 territories worldwide; establishing and rewilding a breeding population of Tasmanian devils on the mainland; building conservation organisations such as Aussie Ark from scratch; co-owning the Australian Reptile Park and rescuing rare turtles and other wildlife after the devastating 2019-20 Black Summer bushfires.

Now he is sharing stories and lessons from his remarkable life in animal conservation, in a fully illustrated biography, Tim Faulkner’s Aussie Ark, hoping to raise our awareness of the catastrophic situation facing Australia’s unique animals and ecology.

With the worst mammal and plant extinction rate on earth, one in three of our native mammals are at imminent risk of disappearing forever.

With help from supporters including Leonardo DiCaprio, Naomi Watts, Zac Efron, Chris Hemsworth, Shania Twain, Adrian Grenier, and Gretel and Roslyn Packer, Tim Faulkner is on a mission to save Australia’s threatened wildlife and to restore its unique biodiversity. And he wants all his fellow Aussies to join him in the fight.

Aussie Ark, by Tim Faulkner, Echo Publishing, RRP$45