Newcastle: Let’s be awesome

Damon McDonald is a self-confessed motorbike adventurer, who draws from a seemingly endless well of empathy and curiosity. While travelling in Cambodia, he struggled with suicidal depression and suffered a heart attack. It was a deeply terrifying, but also life-changing experience that ignited his passion for inspiring others.

The result is Iam Awesome, a movement centered on the stories that shape who we are and who we want to become, aiming to empower children and adults alike to become the heroes of their own stories.
Beautifully written and lovingly illustrated by Shane Tholen, using landmarks of the Lake Mac area, Damon’s book Iam Awesome – Who are you? is the ultimate interactive treasure map to learn courage and confidence.

“Initially, I thought of it as a children’s book,” said Damon. “But increasingly, we are getting feedback that it appeals just as much to adults. We all need to believe in ourselves to overcome obstacles and fulfil our dreams.”

Iam Awesome is available in print or as a digital pack which includes a full-colour eBook, treasure map and colouring book. The Awesome Pack includes both print and digital versions as well as a lifetime membership to the Iam Awesome Movement. 100% of eBook sales are donated to charities benefiting children.

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