Savoury goodness

In recent years, the sausage roll has evolved from a classic Sunday staple to an indulgent treat worth making a special trip to your local bakery for. Rebekah Prendergast has been on a quest to find the tastiest ones.

Gone are the days when the humble sausage roll was just a quick snack at the football, or fast and greasy relief after a big night out.

Here in the Hunter, we are spoilt for choice when it comes to the savoury goodie, with not only bakeries offering up the classic snack but cafés, coffee shops and restaurants also making it a staple on the menu.
I have always had a special spot in my heart (and stomach) for a sausage roll, so when asked to sample some of the regions finest it was an easy yes.

The only real serious question I had to ask was, to add sauce or not to add sauce? Here’s my pick of the tastiest sausage rolls in town.

Baked Uprising, Maryville

Baked Uprising is a popular bakery for all sorts of goodies, and the sausage rolls are no exception. I have eaten sausage rolls from here in the past, and I keep coming back for more because they are so damn good. On a scale of traditional to gourmet, they are more on the decadent side with flaky pastry that melts in your mouth and a rich filling. Some may find it a little too indulgent to eat regularly but more of an occasional treat

There are two flavours to choose from: pork and chutney (my pick) or lamb and preserved lemon. They are hefty in size so easily shared with a friend, but also easy to eat solo as they are so moreish.
Baked Uprising, 21-25 Downie Street, Maryville

Grices Bakery & Café, Cessnock

Wander down Cessnock’s Vincent Street to find Grices Bakery & Cafe with its old-fashioned signage and constant flow of customers. Grices is an institution in the Hunter Valley and was established in 1929, so it’s no surprise that their offerings are a little more on the traditional side.

The sausage roll certainly stood up to these expectations, less fancy than others I had tried but still really enjoyable. It was no frills, good value, and the pastry was flaky and delicious.

Aside from the traditional beef sausage roll, there was also a cheese and bacon sausage roll on offer with mashed potato on top – not something you see every day!
Grices Bakery Café, 96 Vincent Street, Cessnock

Read more about sausage rolls in our Spring Edition of Hunter & Coastal Lifestyle Magazine or subscribe here.