A new chapter for Hunter & Coastal Lifestyle Magazine

Dear Readers,
We recently celebrated 20 years of Hunter & Coastal Lifestyle Magazine, including five years during which we, Julie, Frank and Cornelia, had the privilege of inviting you inside gorgeous homes and sharing fascinating local stories. Publishing a local, glossy lifestyle magazine is more than a job. It’s like writing a quarterly, public love letter to this region that has so much to offer, and we have poured our heart and soul into every edition.

So this is very much a bittersweet announcement to make. We have decided it’s time for us to start a new chapter, to pass the baton to a group of people who are just as passionate about this magazine as we are.
Nicole Shelley, owner and publisher of Newcastle Weekly, will be taking the reins from the Autumn 2024 edition. A born and bred Novocastrian, Nicole has the expertise, dedication and commitment to take Hunter & Coastal Lifestyle into its next decade and beyond. Nicole sees herself not as the new owner but merely as the next custodian of this much-loved magazine.

Here’s a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has been with us on this journey of a lifetime: to our advertising clients, distribution partners, and our printer; our writers, photographers, and our commercial team; and most of all, to you, our readers and subscribers.
You share our excitement for all things local, you have supported and encouraged us. Eagle-eyed and vocal, you kept us on our toes, so we’d happily go the extra mile to unearth the most insightful stories and spectacular photos.

Please continue supporting Hunter & Coastal Lifestyle Magazine with the same loyalty in years to come.

Julie, Cornelia and Nicole.