Coastal a Cappella
Coastal a Cappella is a women’s a cappella group, which has been in existence for 31 years. It currently has 48 members of all ages from around the Central Coast.
The group is a member of Sweet Adelines Australia, which has 32 choruses across the country. It is also a region of Sweet Adelines International, an independent, non-profit music education association which teaches women to sing in choruses and quartets. Sweet Adelines International is also one of the world’s largest singing organisations for women, with around 20,000 members in 500 choruses and 1,200 quartets worldwide.
Coastal a Cappella rehearse weekly at Erina and perform at Citizenship ceremonies, for service clubs, at corporate events and private functions. Rehearsals include physical and vocal warmups, learning new songs, vocal production, body movement and expression, and preparing for any upcoming performances or competitions.
The focus of the chorus is on music education and performance – and they take the music and the fun seriously! New singers don’t need to be able to read music to audition for membership. While it is an advantage, newbies just need a pleasant in-tune voice that can hold their part, and the ability and enthusiasm to learn.
For further information visit coastalacappella.com
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