Comfort drops for moody weather

Australian winters can surprise with sporadic sunny summer days as much as they can depress with weeks-long rain events. It’s fairly easy to pair cool whites with hot afternoons but what if we need a wine to bring us into a comfort zone during the whimsical winter season?

It’s safe to say there’s a Chardonnay for any set of taste buds and meteorological events. If you spend north of $50 you’ll get warming winter spice and creaminess in texture. Elegant or bold, not all Chardonnays need to be ‘full-on’ and expensive to give you a big hug.

Still not into Chardonnay? Try a Portuguese alternative—Arinto. This heat-loving white offers medium- weight, nuttiness and comforting sweet perfume while retaining very high acidity. And yes, it’s grown in the Hunter!

Rosé, especially the one with the depth of colour and flavour, is an outstanding all-types-of-weather (and food) pairing. I always find a perfect slot during any time of the day, any day in a month and any month of the year to have a glass of Rosé.

The northern Italian variety, Barbera, steals hearts with its refreshing acidity, a certain type of unforced lightness, a spicy punch and a tart savoury edge to the fruit. Not far from Pinot Noir and lighter than many Shirazes, it deals well with indecisive weather patterns or moods.

The ultimate winter cuddler would be the great Cabernet Sauvignon. Often full-bodied and full-flavoured, with wood spice and chocolatey tannins, it has everything on offer to get you out of the blues.

Discover our top picks in the Winter Edition of Hunter & Coastal Lifestyle Magazine or subscribe here.

Column by Kasia Sobiesiak.